Bespoke steel from the states

Caletti Road Bike


There was an article in Velo a few issues back on “handmade” bikes. The author seemed confused at the term, given that many of the mass produced bikes in carbon are produced in Asian factories using a great deal of hand labor, rather than machines. I imagine that you, the reader, does not have the same confusion. I bet you “get it.” To me the term “handmade” is about something made by someone – using their inspiration, their creative mind, their artistic talents, the patient practice of their craft, with care, with enthusiasm. We are naturally attracted to this style, as it’s personal and unique and connects us more to the maker and the fruits of their labor.


I like the look of these Caletti bikes and i like the fact they give back to the community even more

Caletti Cycles is a member of 1% For the Planet, and as such donates 1% of annual sales towards organizations working to protect and preserve our planet. It’s a way of offsetting some of the damage done in manufacturing/shipping/selling products, and a way to help keep this amazing planet of ours a healthy place to live, work and play. Your dollars spent on bikes helps make this happen, so thank you!


Author: richdirector

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