I do like a sneaky ride in the week

Nothing like getting out for a sneaky ride. Girls to school 9am on the bike and departed by 10am back by 2pm girls form school at 3pm.


it was a bit of a lst minute arrangement and just goes to show in this modern life how many people can sneak off during the day. I am still  far from fitness of last september but legs getting better all the time.

Got dropped up the crow by allen but clawed back to 2nd man up after half way … celebrated with much needed pee at top (unnecessary carry of 500g at least) and then the food of kings (kongs)



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Back to milngavie and saw allen and tried my CARL SAGAN wheelie past the camera look but …. FAIL … dropped too soon. Campsies and crow in the background


Author: richdirector

07966 910358

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