The Sufferfest: Angels Review

I did the sufferfest ridae last night – legs still tight this morning despite 10min spin down

Barn Door Cycling

This may be the first time I’ve ever fell for internet advertising.  Somewhere I clicked a banner ad for something called the Sufferfest, apparently it was some kind of cycling training video.  I’m really glad I clicked on that banner.

The sufferfest is a serious series of training videos for indoor cycling that are quite different from others I’ve seen.  There is no coach offering handy advise and motivation, nor is there a room full of sweaty triatheletes spinning away endlessly.  The sufferfest uses real world video from races and reconnaissance rides that are cleverly edited into interval workouts.  Directions are given by on screen caption, no one will ever talk to you.  The only real direction you’re given is ratio x/10 where x equals your perceived effort.  A handy scale explaining this is given at the beginning of each video.  Every now and again you are prompted to stand, set, increase or decrease your cadence.     Currently there are five videos to choose from…

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Author: richdirector

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