Brooks Cambium – My Take

Love my brooks leather but was looking at this for the mtb – as easier to clean

Mid-Atlantic Bike Commuting

It was time to replace the much loved but irretrievably sagging Brooks 17S. I had it transferred to my to my Soma when it was built last year. It was only 4 years old when it developed a very uncomfortable sag. It was fixed once and held up well for about a year. There are many who say Brooks leather saddles aren’t what they once were. Two summers in a row that included week long tours in the rain may have hastened it’s demise. I used a saddle cover of course but after enough days and nights of rain maybe some damage was done. I’d been curious about the Cambium for a while. Given John’s positive experience with it (see previous post) I was ready to give the C17S a try.

I’ve now ridden over 300 miles on it and overall, I like it. I agree with John…

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Author: richdirector

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