Star Sailors League Final

The boat may be old – it may not foil … hell its not even an olympic class anymore but watching the Star league live (today in just over an hour at 4pm GMT) you get to see really close magical racing. This for me is the pinnacle of sailing.



Decent breeze forecast for the morning action on Day 2 of the Star Sailors League, and organizers are buoyed by the multitudes of sailors checking in – yesterday nearly 30,000 keelboat fans watched some of the action!

We won’t promise much in the way of breeze today, but with 5 boats separated by just 5 points right around the all-important knockout position (only the top ten advance to tomorrows finals rounds), we will promise plenty of drama. Watch it live with Genny, Clean, and the SSL team calling the shots – clicky here

Author: richdirector

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