Occasional and Frequent Bike – Design Milk suggestion??

I am not so sure but this article on Designmilk seems to think this is one way to get the majority on the road …


Whatever your commute needs are, the C-Class bike from Ariel Rider was designed for you. Blending the features found in a city bike and cargo bike, the bicycle is meant for city commuters and their various needs. In fact, the C in C-Class stands for city.



The bike itself is not as heavy-duty as a cargo bike, but can carry an additional 300lbs excluding the rider. It has plenty of storage solutions, from a front rack that can carry items from pizza to a bag, and it even comes with a little cup holder for your coffee. The items are secured by elastic cords onto the bamboo carrying tray.


The bike is also perfect for seasoned bikers, and those who are a little rusty as well. Its power on demand system (POD) provides an extra boost when needed, which is especially helpful when biking up steep hills.



