That run – 9km in the heat – Huff and Puff


Sweaty Betty



Went for a run yesterday and boy did I suffer. Temp here has suddenly hit Spring was about 28 degrees and I went off with a plan to do a 10km ish run. It was an explore type run was looking for a new route and i found quite a sweet one.

Went off the normal route and up a dirt road next to a canal – came around to one of the lakes where I saw a squad turning in for a 5km fitness run … always an incentive to pass 20 year old chaps (the shameful fitness levels of the US Army but that’s another story)


HR spike catching the lads



After that exertion I was HOT and tired so came in and flopped out – not quite the 10km but a good run none-the-less.


Split Times / km



Another Day another race – 13hrs later


6am is too early for the start of a race – especially when it is only 8km and it is dark when you finish too.


After surviving yesterday and my calf not pulling too much I felt I was up for the race this morning despite the stupid start time.

speed - gps fluctuations

Speed tracks are always annoying on gps – one of the reasons I have the Suunto (reviewed HERE)  show average speed as the mad gps fluctuations annoy me – there is no way I run 3m/km followed by 4m40/km.

Heart rate Movescount

The lap times below show the 1km splits so and you can see the consistency there – I generally just keep the Suunto t6 showing my Heart Rate (to keep below lactic threshold) and then when it beeps every km on autolap I check my progress.

lap times

The run as I said was in the dark – at the start someone tripped and fell and the race was spent looking for potholes (of which there are a few) although luckily I know the roads of the route quite well.

By 2km I was pretty much in the position I stayed in apart from 2 Ugandans who started late and came flying past at a good 3:20/km pace. Caught a couple of soldiers and got passed by a brit I have raced with and beaten a few times. Was a bit annoying as my legs were tired and I couldn’t quite get the muster to pass him again.

28m44s which was fine and I think around 20th or 21st of about 400-500 runners.

So got another t-Shirt (as did the first 300)

T-shirt BACK

5km Race (Race for the Wounded Soldier)

After pulling my calf muscle 3 days ago I wasn’t so sure about the 8km race I am supposed to do tomorrow morning and if my leg would hold up. Then found out about a smaller 5km race today (a live link to US Race for The Wounded Soldier). Small race about 180 people.

Went in for the race not intending to go very quickly but 1st km was a bit twingy then it seemed alright staying at that pace so kept going. Reeled in a few places until I was in 5th by 2.5km mark and stayed there until finish.


yellow line probably better average pace band


Average Pace – not really taking into account the 20knot wind – think I was more consistent than this


lap time with a rogue HR

T-Shirt for first 100 coming – will put up photo then.


RACE DAY – What a great run TF Phantom Farewell Run

6am and the alarm goes off. Running shorts on with jeans over the top to keep warm. Drink water, eat banana have some Clif Bar.

pre-race still dark

Down to the start and register again. Get number hobble around in the cold (about 3 degrees C) then sweater off and BANG here we go.

A good race – slightly shorter than the 7.35miles it was supposed to be – probably around 500+ runners. Saw some of them shoot ahead so kept count 11,12,13 …. figured I was in 19th.

lap splits - not super consistent

Kept up the pace for quite a while passed one got passed by another. Eventually coming in at 45m46s (4:08/km). Heart Rate pretty healthy for this type of run

heart rate on movescount

Came in tied 19th – first veteran Huzzah for Old Blokes

Army Day 7km Run

5am out of bed … why do I do this. Grabbed a small bite to eat and glugged some water then went over to Liberty Base. Today is hot, far hotter than I like. Nearly 7am (the start) and the temp is already mid 30’s C

baghdad army day 7km run

We started and I was leading for all of 500m – very strange for me not to see people in front of me … didn’t last that long and by 2km in I was down to to the 20’s in position. My pace was slowing quick so I started ticking off the things that could be slowing me down …. jetlag … heat …. slight cold hanging on ….. no running for the past 3 weeks …. all bad.

Half way through I took some water at the feed station and threw the rest of the water on my head – that felt a lot better.

Sped up towards the end and passed a few that were burnt out and cramped.

Not the best run but still better than being pistol whipped by the Mujihadeen.

And another t-shirt