Nazaré blows up – surf video

It is big

Very BIG

Screen Shot 2013-10-28 at 17.10.06Before sunrise the farol da Nazaré was packed like never before with spectators to watch the ZON North Canyon Team – Garrett McNamara, Andrew Cotton and Hugo Vau – ride collosal waves from the biggest Atlantic swell so far this winter.

The day was similar to last January 28th. This time it was the UK’s Andrew Cotton who snagged the wave of the day. “Definitely the biggest waves I have ever seen.” said Cotton. “Tricky, challenging and definitely dangerous”.

“It was a wild day in Nazaré and I am so grateful everyone survived and that I was able to put my good friend on that bomb”, said Garrett McNamara, who haunts the Nazare canyon whenever the charts turn scarlet.

Also in the water today were Carlos Burle, Maya Gabeira, Pedro Scooby, Felipe Cesarano, Eric Rebiere, Sylvio Mancusi and Rodrigo Koxa.

McNamara decided to stop surfing after Mayas Gabeira suffered a brutal wipeout, and was washed unconscious onto the beach. Fortunately, she was successfully resuscitated faces no serious consequences.


Riding giants

I must have seen this countless times but it always amazes me……

Sujit R. Varma
A semiserious, often rollicking, multigenerational insider’s look at the origins of surfing, the colorful and subversive birth of surf culture, and the mythology and lure of the big wave. This passionate and fluid film is without question the first authentic history of surfing from its humble Hawaiian beginnings to the big business it became to the still-rebellious universe it inhabits today. Riding Giants is a study in individuality and freedom, the pursuit and techniques of pure kinetic pleasure, and the risk taking and attitudes that characterize its leading figures.

For some viewers, this is perhaps more than they ever wanted to know. But Peralta’s detailed knowledge of the surfing lifestyle, its icons and locations, its boom and exploitation by the media, and the fascination it has held for young men for more than five decades is unparalleled and fuels this expedition for the expert and initiate alike. Closely chronicling the sometimes-life-and-death drama that big-wave riding entails, Riding Giants is an often-mesmerizing visual thrill ride. But the most appealing aspect of this often revelatory documentary is the realization that the man versus nature dialectic never ends; the search for the ultimate wave and the spiritual pinnacle can only be pursued but never reached. — IMDb Plot: Riding Giants (2004 Documentary)